Orange Carrot & Turmeric Sorbet

A 'tasty as' plant-based dessert made with fresh juices and Cocavo Turmeric and Lemon! The bright and cheerful taste of citrus loves being mellowed out by smoother, earthier flavours.

Makes about 2 pints

Teff Pie crust:

Combine water, sugar, and turmeric in small saucepan and bring to boil, whisking occasionally to dissolve sugar. Reduce heat to low and simmer for about five minutes.

Allow sugar water to cool to room temperature, then combine with juices and Cocavo (mix well). Cover and chill in refrigerator for one hour.

Churn in ice cream machine according to instructions or for about 45 minutes. The sorbet will be finished churning when it becomes uniformly firm and pulls away from the sides of the barrel.

Transfer to air-tight food container or ice cream pint containers and freeze for at least 3 hours.

Serve cold!